Where is am I


After long time I am here with you. I was am trying to find answer; As you all know we all are very unique individual and thus may not and cannot have same experience and more particularly on spiritual path, but others experience may give us some light to stay on the path. I was trying to find answer about few questions like what way is for me, am I on right path, is bhakti yoga gyan yoga or karma yoga which one appropriate or what combination of paths; or to realize only who am I? Still trying but now I have some clarity about few initial steps and that will lead me to the goal. Thus I will b with you irregularly regular with something to know from all of you.

Let us start with 

“Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu,
Maa Kaschith Dukhabhag Bhavet

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||”

“May all be happy.
May all be healthy.
May all see auspiciousness.
May none suffer from sorrows.

Om Peace, Peace, Peace.”

Let every person every being without any exception be blessed with joy happiness, health, faith, love and loving kindness.




The path of spirituality also needs courage……let us talk about basic need for developing spiritually. Some of the basic virtues are truth (non-lying) and honesty; loving kindness and non-injury; generosity and non-stealing. You must start with one virtue at time and develop that virtue in thought, words, and in action. To develop virtue
many different methods are shown by different great Gurus and you must use one
which suits to your inner nature. One of the methods I know is, first determine
which virtue you want to develop and every day sacrifice the opposite of that
virtue to supreme GOD or Lord Sun. And also ask for blessing of the virtue you
want to develop from Supreme GOD or the God according to your belief. Also express
gratitude to Supreme GOD or to your God for the blessings. You must be always
vigilant or aware about your thoughts, words and actions and if you have
burning desire for spiritual growth; in beginning you will notice that you are
many time using thoughts, words and action negative to virtue you want to
develop. Just keep check and every time say sorry to yourself for mistake and
try to avoid in future. In few weeks you will find that you are developing that
virtue in thoughts, words and in action.

 The first virtue needs to be developed in my opinion is; loving kindness and non-injury.

 “Is there any one maxim which ought to be acted upon throughout one’s whole life? Surely the maxim of loving kindness is such: Do not unto others what you would not they should do unto you.” Confucius


What is your opinion?


Meditate with purpose.






“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but
manifestations of strength and resolution”.
Kahlil Gibran

To increase kindness, loving kindness one must have bigger Heart Chakra (heart
center). But development of only heart chakra will create many problems in life
about money and relationship. If one practice meditation on heart chakra and
crown chakra with loving kindness in mind may develop better balance heart and
crown chakra. Meditation on crown chakra opens crown chakra that enables you to
draw down a great amount of high-quality divine energy into the crown. The prana
(energy) that this meditation produces greatly promotes physical and mental
health as well as inner illumination. Particularly on full moon day there is
great down pour of energy (we all know about psychological effect of full moon
day and effect of moon energy).

We are tapping this energy. We are doing a powerful full moon meditation every month and we aim at focusing this energy to heal and energize the whole Earth and bless our loved ones and personal projects. You, Your family and friends are welcome to join us on next full moon day i.e. Tuesday evening, October 11th, at 8:00PM for a powerful full moon meditation as we aim at focusing this energy to heal and energize the whole Earth and bless our loved ones and  personal projects. Please bring with you on a piece of paper your goals,  {shankalpa}, plan, or whatever you would like to achieve in your life.

If you have any questions please call:  Taresh Bhattji@ 770 834 2734

We look forward to having you join us!

With warm regards

Taresh & Meena Bhattji

RSVP @ 770-834-2734 or taresh@invigoratelife.com on or before 10/07/11.

At: 324 Stewart St.
Carrollton, GA 30117